Our fire within, is the keeper of our forward motion , trust your passion held in our stifled everyday aggression, let it become the touch that illuminates your pathway into the truth that is ever rising in you.

Let the cosmic dust you are gravitate, shaping your infinite expressions, creating the worlds that your heart longs for. Allow gravity and the resonance of vibration lead the way.

In opening to the infinite. We can rest and let ourselves be received by the mystery, while we experience duality in this world.

Knowing our limits gives us the courage to take our freedom.

Our conscious sensuality allows us to enter into communion with everything that surrounds us.

As we enter intimacy with the earth, it brings us the security and pleasure that we so much long for… in our walking.

Dear Women

The emotional memory that weighs down women’s femininity (and also the feminine aspect of men), took root 5,000 years ago with the rise of patriarchy.

The feminine is now burdened with a memory of pain, shame, submission, guilt, anger and victimhood.

Carved into women’s memory is the fear of being “herself”. She has cultivated the role of being docile and submissive in order to achieve that highest of ranks – historically, being “a married woman”.

And in modern times, within the collective unconscious, women continue to stand in collusion with, or in rebellion against men.

Many of us are still seeking value in the reflection of man.


This way of seeing has been imposed by a patriarchal belief system in which man becomes the central and only focus of woman’s devotion, and it remains seeded in our deep unconscious.

As long as adopted men’s values remain at the centre of a woman’s psyche, she will continue to lose herself – being controlled by ties of dependence upon, and rebellion against, men.

To reclaim our power we have to explore all of the parts of our femininity that have been repressed and oppressed by the emergence of patriarchy.

As women, in these pivotal and changing times, we are invited to meet again in sisterhood and to reclaim and root the true feminine energy in our bodies.

Our cycle is the descending force that connects us with life’s cycles. As we meet again in sisterhood to reclaim our hearts, our bodies and our connectedness, we set about bringing an end to the global epidemic of violence, objectification and shaming, and we heal the apparently irreconcilable split of the complementary masculine/feminine polarities.

The moon links us with the menstrual cycle, the symbol of our fertility, our bond with the earth, our mother. For millennia, by domination and control, we have been instructed to disconnect from this link, that keeps us disconnected from our sense of sacredness and belonging.

When we return to and celebrate the phases and faces of the moon, we reconnect with our cyclical nature, and so with the feminine energy that has been flowing ceaselessly throughout time beneath the surface of the patriarchy and all of its ancestral wisdom. When we connect with our moon cycle, we connect with all women through time and weave feminine radiance once again.

As sisters, we gather to be inspired, to be set free from the bonds of patriarchy, to enter into the fullness of being alive as women. We gather so that we can grow into our power and beauty more and more as we age, and not shrink or allow ourselves to be discarded, made invisible or powerless because we lack the inner strength or outer support of the feminine.

Our gathering is a call to power – a call to remember who we are as authentic love and to support each other to dare to stand in our fullness.

Our intention is to create a web of women in constant expansion; to grow and inspire one another and to move united in protection of what we love and needs us most.  

Only then can we transform each other and our beloved planet.

Elisabeth Serra

We are cosmic frequencies, it takes knowing the archetypal nature of the elements, to embody and ground who we really are into our life experiences


+ info

Earth - The Mother -


+ info

Fire - The Warrior - 


+ info

Water - The Lover -


+ info

Wind - The Shamana - 

Courses and experiences for Women

Embodying love, The Power of Intimacy

Virtual group. The essence of this proposal is to embody and be the love that we already are; and open up and heal our relationships.

Shiva Shakti

This ancient tantric dance opens a portal for us to RECONNECT again with the depth of our being felt from the body.

Awakening Woman - Barcelona -

We offer you an unforgettable trip to your wildest dreams; to the woman who lives inside you when no one is looking at you... (only in spanish)

A journey of self-preparation

Preparing to engage your gift in accompanying other’s as they enter intimacy with their own feminine awakening. To do this course: requirement to have completed the “Awakening Woman” journey.

Intimate freedom

Three-level course composed of Romance in the Dark for Reshaping your Relationships, Embodiyng the Love and The Erotyc Relationship

Shiva Shakti (life group session)

This ancient tantric dance invites us to reconnect with our deep and sacred FEMINITY and to open ourselves to the ancestral wisdom of our female body and its CYCLICAL NATURE

Untamable Woman – London

We are offering you 5 passionate weekends in London.
A journey back into the essence of you, that you always known and never dare to live

The Dawn of Motherhood 

These online sessions of The Dawn of Motherhood will accompany you in awakening the Inner Mother you wished you´d had when you were a child.

soul reading session

Soul Reading Sessions

Soul Reading sessions are intimate moments in which I hold a safe space to help you hear the Deep Voice within you – the voice that holds the keys to the next step in your own unique evolution.