Who is behind authentic feminine ecstasy

A little of my history

I was born and raised in Barcelona. I have traveled a lot and have lived in different countries. I’m a mother. Dance and body movement have been my creative passion and portal of great learning. I love the stage as a transforming space where I find deep freedom; I have participated in various theater pieces with others, and also as a solo artist. My passion is to live and inspire others to dare to be the creators that we are.
My loving connection with the wild, the irrational and everything that is earthly, intuitive. I choose to be directed by the body and the heart, which have always been my great guide. I am moved by the poetry that emerges when we ‘enter life’, and we learn to be conscious creators and lovers of life, open to the great mystery that sustains our entire human experience. I have been known to be the nayer of the unspeakable, and a bearer of acceptance of all that is unacceptable.
When I was young, I spent nine years in India; There I initially immersed myself in the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and then continued with my own path of self-discovery, encountering a variety of forms and paths that continue to support me on my return home.
I trained and graduated with a Master as a Psychosynthesis Therapist and held a private practice as a Psychosynthesis Therapist and other orientations for 15 years in England.


Together with my former partner, Mark Josephs, we co-founded a movement called Social Alchemy to support the awakening of the memory of our essential nature and innate knowledge, while learning to creatively handle whatever distracts us from that memory, so that we can thrive in intimacy and freedom, with others and with our environment. For two decades, we offered various programs in Europe and the US.
I teach and practice an ancient tantric meditation dance called Shiva-Shakti, designed to awaken and embody the different faces of the feminine, and return us to our ecstatic and essential nature.
My love for dance, music and theater has accompanied me not only in my personal development, but they have become the playground of all the different aspects of my “work”, which I call my offerings …
I am passionate about empowering women and men. I see myself as a “bridge between opposites”, accompanying others in their rediscovery of the depth of their being, so that they can bring their gifts to this hungry world.
Elisabeth serra

Why Feminine Ecstasy?

We all hold both feminine and masculine energies within us. In ancient Vedantic traditions, the feminine is referred to as Shakti, and the Masculine as Shiva. 

Shakti ~ the Feminine, is the body that carries the sensory experience, the material, all that can be perceived and sensed within and without. It is ever changing, all sensations, emotions, thoughts and physical processes exist within this feminine realm.

Shiva ~ the Masculine, is consciousness, the timeless emptiness that contrasts and coexists with all that is, the feminine.

How we name it, however, is of little importance. 

What matters is the simple understanding of the concept, that all that is material is the feminine.

Over millennia, the feminine has been demonized, objectified and repressed. Not just the female form, but in the form of the rainforests being cut down; the oceans being polluted and depleted; animals being tortured and killed for our physical consumption and entertainment.

Perhaps, it is our deep attachment, and deep need of the material world, that has created our deep resentment for it? 

We reject our temporal nature in favor of the incorporeal, the eternal, as admired by the world religions. Yet, how is the material less holy then the ethereal when they are intertwined as one? All that is, the feminine, and all that is not, the masculine, in union – sacred as a whole.

This acquired fear and disdain of the material, or the feminine, creates friction and disconnection leaving us isolated and in an ever deepening spiral of personal and collective destruction,  instead of creation, and in an obsessive pursuit of escapism through heartless pleasures.

The question is now, how to bring the same degree of reverence to the material, the feminine, as we give to the spiritual, immaterial masculine. 

How can we bridge the disconnection between the material and the spiritual, which has been falsely imposed on us all, so that we can once again experience the sacred union of embodied consciousness.

This experience, for which we hunger and long, has been described time and time again by the mystics from different traditions, as an explosion of joy and grounded ecstasy.


Redefining ‘Eroticism’:

The root of the word ‘eroticism’ is in Eros, the God of love.

Eroticism is when we embody this love in our sentient body and we experience the creative source of life, full of pleasure and in connection with the whole. It is an experience that honors the other as a unique expression, and as part of an integrated whole of the love and freedom that we already are.

Eroticism is a magical portal to our full creative potential.