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Embodying the love


Opening up to really knowing and feeling our offering to others, and what it is to move from here. Opening ourselves energetically and experiencing what happens when we drop into what we already are, or what I call the receptive mode.

How to understand the psyche of the opposite sex and value them in both their contribution and in their difficulties in relating.


Conscious discovery of our Eros, which has been conditioned via Mother/Father and the information we received during the first years of our upbringing. Freeing Eros from these places where it is trapped and so too our capacity to share love. Exploring and discovering the beliefs, strategies and re-creation of patterns and events with the women/men in our life, which exist and inevitably arise when it comes to relating emotionally with others, despite our sophisticated understandings we may have.

Bringing awareness to this as the shadow that controls us and enslaves us to responding with reactions based on old, unconscious expectations.

Opening up to really knowing and feeling our offering to others, and what it is to move from here. Opening ourselves energetically and experiencing what happens when we drop into what we already are, or what I call the receptive mode.

Looking and sensing with our body-feelings-mind at the conditioning that we carry as man and women, and what is under the behaviours that hurt us so much. How to respond to others, through the art of intimacy, and how to stay free and in the body, in the face of possible evocations of our own conditioning.

"How to understand the psyche of the opposite sex and value them in both their contribution and in their difficulties in relating."

Learning as to how to call and invite from love instead of accusation and demand. How to attract another from our trust and incarnated love.

And how to establish dialogues that will open the heart instead of bringing them more into the mind, where we all tend to dwell.

Exploring these dialogues as they range from the first contact to the evolution of a relationship, all the while staying close to our power and love without losing either our own masculine axis or our feminine wild, insightful tenderness.

How to open others so that they can feel secure in the emotional intimacy that a connected heart brings.

How to share what we feel without being a burden, without guilt tripping or drama, but instead as a portal by which we attract to us the intimacy that we crave.

We will give time to personal experiences where the struggle is felt, as we integrate the new vistas versus the old generational conditioning.

We will enquiry into learned expectation we hold towards others and ourselves. We will reveal the hidden collective learned believes about relationships.

Some of the themes around limiting unquestioned belief’s are: commitment, faithfulness, honesty, endings, separations, when is truly over, freedom or merging, sexuality…

Bringing the focus to what has been and still manifesting in our lives in terms of relationships, and the power of shifting and activating the vibration of what you want to create. Becoming a good shepherd to our feelings and thoughts so that they can assist you in creating more of what you want, rather than recreating the known that you no longer want. Experiencing shifts on the spot.

We will take a look at our sexual maturity, where we are still girls/boys and passively conditioned. Sexual imagination, fantasy, masturbation in men and women.

We will enquire and bring a practical experiential focus on sacred sexuality, integrating the animal and erotic potency with the sense of freedom, grace and heart, liberating the learned fear of the animal within and bringing it to the heart of creation and communion.

  • To deepen and qualify these explorations and discoveries in an experimental way. To be supported in our own experiences and dynamics through practices that lead us to touch our fears and yearnings around intimacy with others, and live our relationships from a new place.
  • To support each other and be encouraged to take risks, as it is in the courage to step in where the learning is.
  • To create the relationships your heart yearns for with confidence and freedom.
  • To move out of the conditional force of the inner child that can drag us into feeling more of the same – again and again – and that weakens the confidence and security that is so necessary to hold when we are in a intimacy with others.
  • To discover how to choose with whom we want to enter deeper intimacy, while learning how to place clear boundaries with our courage and self-esteem.
  • To get to know this courage and self-esteem as arising when we fully see and ride our inner worlds with more and more ease.

We will enjoy all this and much more together in this adventure into creating relationships from our power and tenderness.